Dermalogica Facials In Canterbury.
We develop personalised professional treatments and skincare routines tailored to each individual, recognising that every skin condition is unique.
Begin each treatment with a complementary face mapping, a thorough skin analysis tool that sparks a conversation with therapists and the client. Together, a personalised journey is created to get the client their healthiest skin, tailored to every individual lifestyle.
Pro-firm– This specialised treatment blends firming and toning deep tissue massage with re-texturizing and rejuvenating products, resulting in smoother, more youthful-looking skin.
Pro-bright– This facial targets dark spots and reveals a brighter complexion. It features a powerful blend of vitamin-c, Niacinamide, and Hexylresorcinol, effectively addressing all pigmentation concerns.
Pro-clear– This treatment is designed for clients seeking clearer skin. It combines pore-softening techniques, extractions, antibacterial ingredients to cleanse and soothe congested, breakout prone skin.
Pro-calm– This facial calms sensitive skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, visible redness, and dryness. It uses targeted treatments to hydrate, balance, and repair the skin barrier, reducing sensitivity for a more soothe complexion.

Facials Price List
Dermalogica Pro-firm30min £40 / 60min £75
Dermalogica Pro-bright30min £40/ 60min £75
Dermalogica Pro-calm30min £40 / 60min £75
Dermalogica Pro-clear30min £40 / 60min £75
Opening Times
- monday9am - 7pm
- tuesday9am - 5pm
- wednesday9am - 5pm
- thursday9am - 8:30pm
- friday9am - 5:30pm
- saturday8am - 4pm
- sundayClosed
Finding Us
2-4 The Borough
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